Porn Addiction Increasing In India Rapidly Third Largest Country Female Porn Consumers

Porn Addiction Increasing In India Rapidly Third Largest Country Female Porn Consumers

Porn Addiction In India: Crores of people in the world are addicted to something or the other, some are addicted to alcohol and some are addicted to cigarettes. One such addiction is that of watching porn, in the last few years there has been a rapid increase in the number of people who have become addicted to watching porn. The number of people watching such content is increasing rapidly in India. Today we are telling you how many people watch porn in India and which age group has more people in it.

people watching porn in india
It is shocking and disturbing that India is the third largest country in the world where porn content is being watched the most. This is the reason why foreign companies are serving more and more such content in India. Especially American adult websites have served such content in India. There has been a huge boom in such content since the Corona lockdown in India. All this is when all the porn websites have been banned by the Government of India.

Women also have a stake
Now if we talk about age group and gender, then about 30 percent women in India watch porn content. Maximum 35% of porn content is watched by people in the age group of 25 to 34 years. Apart from this, the share of youth between 18 to 24 years is 24%. After this, people aged between 35 to 44 years have 17 percent share. The average age of watching porn in India is 29 years, which is much lower than the age of people in any other country. In terms of watching porn, America comes first and UK comes second.

Most people watch such content from their phones only. More than 70 percent people use their phones for this, followed by about 19 percent people who watch porn on their laptop or computer.

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